
Survivors - Domestic Violence
The Burning Times - Genocide of Women
Amortentia (HP Stuff)
Mrs. Wesley's Borrow
Aragog's Fun and Games




from: http://www.witchesway.net/b-times-tribute
Brigid Bishop was the first victim of the Salem Witch Trials.:

Death: June 10, 1692

Convicted of practicing witchcraft..

Cause of death: Hanged

Executed on Gallows Hill, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA

 Bridget Bishop was the first victim in this famous series of trials.  Bridget married three times.  Her third and final marriage, after the deaths of her first two husbands, was to Edward Bishop, who was employed as a "sawyer" (lumber worker).  She appears to have had no children in any of her marriages.

 Although Bridget had been accused by more individuals of witchcraft than any other witchcraft defendant (many of the accusations were markedly vehement and vicious), it was not so much her "sundry acts of witchcraft"" that caused her to be the first witch hanged in Salem, as it was her flamboyant life style and exotic manner of dress.

 Despite being a member of Mr. Hale's Church in Beverly (she remained a member in good standing until her death), Bridget often kept the gossip mill busy with stories of her publicly fighting with her various husbands, entertaining guests in home until late in the night, drinking and playing the forbidden game of shovel board, and being the mistress of two thriving taverns in town. Some even went so far as to say that her "dubious moral character" and shameful conduct caused, "discord [to] arise in other familes, and young people were in danger of corruption."

 Bridget's blatant disregard for the respected standards of puritan society made her a prime target for accusations of witchcraft.

 In addition to her somewhat outrageous lifestyle, the fact that Bridget "was in the habit of dressing more artistically than women of the village" also contributed in large part to her conviction and execution. She was described as wearing, "a black cap, and a black hat, and a red paragon bodice bordered and looped with different colors." This was a showy costume for the times.

 Aside from encouraging rumors and social disdain, her wearing of"showy costume" was used as evidence against her at her trial for witchcraft. In his deposition.  Wearing fashionable apparel was regarded by some as a "snare and sign of the devil."

 In 1692, with a whole town against her, BRidget was charged, tried, and executed within eight days. On June 10, as crowds gathered to watch, she was taken to Gallows Hill and executed by the sheriff, George Corwin. She displayed no remorse and professed her innocence at her execution.




Amazing Grace, how sweet the Earth
That bore a witch like me!
I once was burned, now I survive,
Was hung and now I sing.

T'was grace that drew down the moon
And grace that raised the seas,
The magick in the people's will
Will set out Mother free.

We face the East and breathe the winds
That move across this earth,
From gentle breeze to hurricane
Our breath will bring forth the change.

Turn towards the South and feel the fire
That burns in you and me.
The spirit's flame will rise again
And burn eternally.

We greet the West, our souls awash
In tide of primal birth.
Our tears and blood, our pain and love
Will cleanse and heal the earth.

Reach into the North and know your roots
Down deep ancestral caves.
We find the wisdom of the Crone,
Of circles we are made.

Amazing Earth, enduring life,
From death into rebirth.
T'is earth I am and earth I love
And earth I'll always be.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the Earth
That bore Witches like we.
We once were burned, now we survive,
Were hung and now we sing.

Goddess bless, so mote it be,
Our magick spirals on
Merry meet and merry part
And merry meet again.








             Sex of Accused Witches, 1519-1700





% Female

South-western Germany















Dept of the Nord, France















County of Essex, England





New England












Kellianna is a very talented pagan musician/singer and songwriter.  I picked up her CD locally, as she lives in the same town as I.  I love this CD, it really gets you into a goddess worshipping mood.  My favorite songs are 1) Persephone, 2) Aprhrodite and Pan, 3) Morgana, 4) Brighid, 5) Warrior Queen (which you can hear a sample of on her website).  You can purchase her CD at her website, it is well worth the price.  Although Kellianna and I live near each other, I am not promoting sales of her CDs for any personal gain.  Kellianna and I are sisters in the goddess, but do not know each other beyond that.  Just tell her a local in-the-broom-closet witch, Talitha, recommended her!  Blessed Be and enjoy!  Talitha!

Click on the picture below
to be taken directly to Kellianna's website





Historically the term, The Burning Times, means, for witches, the period within Western history in which there occurred intense burning together with various types of murdering of witches. This period is known for its bloody witch-hunts and crazes which extended from the mid-15th century to the early 18th century.

The specific crime of "witchcraft" has led to the installment of a huge legislation, courts and jurisdiction and consequently the execution of about half a million witches in Europe in the period of 1400 - 1792, the majority of whom were female, some male or even children, and the majority of whom were burned at the stake or hanged after being extensively tortured, an event yet unparalleled in human history.

Most of these victims probably would have viewed themselves as good Christians, and were not member of any secret cult: most of the confessions about secret meetings or convents can be shown to be the result of the torture and the superstitions of the inquisitors on the other.

The Burning Times was one of the foulest periods in the history of Western Civilization, a time when reason and compassion gave way to prejudice and frenzy, when mere accusation or simply being "different" could result in the most sadistic and brutal tortures and eventually death.

The idea of burning witches, one of the cruelest forms of execution, is said to have originated with Saint Augustine (354-430), who said "that pagans, Jews, and heretics would burn forever in eternal fire with the Devil unless saved by the Catholic Church."

Witches, also were classed as heretics, during the time of the Inquisition. Heretics were not only disbelieves of the church doctrine, but, many also were accused of beings servants of the Devil by forming compacts with him to get his help. The accused were sentenced to execution by burning when found guilty of heresy, and few escaped this conviction of the church, which practically controlled every aspect of human life, because "Fire itself is the element of purification, and nothing less than fire could negate the evil that was said to be witches."

All witches were not burned at the stake. It seems various countries had their preferred forms of execution. Hanging was preferred in England and the American colonies. In France, Scotland and Germany it was the custom to first strangle the condemned witches, as an act of mercy, before sending them to the hanging stand or garroting, and then cremating them to ashes.

Many witches were burned alive, needless to say. It is alleged by church authorities that many who were burned had either recanted their confessions at the last moment or did not repent for their crimes. The burnings were executed by civil authorities because the Church would have no part in the murdering of people. An elaborate accounting system connected with the burnings was established which included expenses for the trail and the prisoner's incarceration in jail. Some trial in Scotland show that the burning of a witch consumed 16 loads of peat plus wood and coal. This debt was attached to the condemned person's estate or relatives.

Witch lynchings and burnings continued infrequently into the late 19th century in England, Europe and Latin America. There are no reliable accounts as to the exact number of witches executed. Only estimates can be made. During the 150 year period of the Inquisition, in Germany where the most fierce witch hunts occurred, the minimum estimates range from 30,000 to 100,000.




This is a paraphrased portion of the book Power Of  The Witch by Laurie Cabot, 1990, published by Dell.  If you have an interest in learning the truth about witchcraft, please read this book. - Talitha


The Old Religion and the Burning Times


The Goddess

If you read closely in the Bible, in Genesis, “God” is not used as a singular name.  Genesis says “Let us make man in our image and likeness, male and female

The fact that God was female for the first 200,000 years of human’s life on earth has been forgotten.  Witches haven’t forgotten.

 It was within the Celtic races that Goddess worship lasted the longest.  As warring, patriarchal peoples intruded, the Celts were forced into adopting foreign ways.  Matriarchal cultures were slowly erased by the warfare of the patriarchal cultures.  Male warriors could rape women and steal their children.  The status of women fell to that of being slaves.  Patriarchal families became more common.  A woman became a servant to her husband.  He legally owned her, her property and her children. 

 Still, followers of the Old Religion remained.  The patriarchy, obviously, had to begin using more aggressive eradication of Goddess worshipping.




Under the leader of the Roman Empire, Constantine, Christianity became the “official” religion.  This union of the Roman Empire and the Church was significant.  Constantine ordered that the shrines of the Old Religion were to be destroyed and looted, springs and wells polluted, priests and priestesses could be killed.  Constantine himself boiled his own wife alive, killed both of his own sons and whipped his nephew to death. 

Within the next 1,000 years, the patriarchal church was well established in Europe. 

 St. Augustine told followers that women did not have souls.  St. Thomas Aquinas told believers that women were to be subject to men because her mind and her body were weak.  Gratian, another church figure, said, “MAN – not woman is made in the image of God….women, therefore, should be subject to their husbands, and should be treated as slaves. 

 John Calvin and John Knox later made an argument that to deny that witchcraft was being practiced, was to deny the authority of the bible.  Since there was witchcraft, the church needed to protect the word of God.    The stage was being set for the persecution of Witches. 

 Witch-hunting was profitable.  Nobles, kings, local priests, town leaders, inquisitors, torturers and executioners received the property and money of those that they “captured.”

Women who criticized the patriarchal church were especially at risk for being labeled a witch and practicing magic. 

 Pope Innocent VIII asked two monks, Kraemer and Sprenger, to write a manual for witch-humters.  This work became known as The Witches’ Hammer (Malleus Malificarum).  This manual was used for the next 250 years to destroy the Old Religion in Europe.

 According to The Witches’ Hammer, a woman had no right to her own thoughts.  “When a woman thinks alone, she will think evil,” and “Women are intellectually like children.”

 The patriarchal church instructed clergy to make pagan holidays into new Christian holy-days.  Christmas came at the Winter Solstice, Easter with the Spring Equinox, All Saints’ Day with Samhain, the Celtic New Year. 

 The medical profession also had reason to want to exterminate Witches.  Witches were the natural healers.  The medical community decided to establish restrictions that the only people who could practice medicine would be limited to those who had formal studies in medicine.  These doctors could then charge the fees that they wanted to and deny service to those that they did not want to provide services to. 

 The Witches’ Hammer stated, “If a woman dares to cure without having studied, she is a Witch, and must die.”

 Once accused as a witch, if a woman did not meet the eyes of her accusers, or shed a tear, she was a witch.  If a woman had a wart, a mole, or even freckles, these were considered marks of the devil, and thus, the woman, a witch.  A thorough search of an accused woman’s body would be conducted, typically in view of the public.  A “Witch Pricker” was often a tool of choice of the inquisitors.  Two types of prickers were used.  One normal one, and one with a point that could slide up inside of the handle.  After drawing some blood with the first pricker, to prove that it was sharp, the inquisitors would then secretly switch with the second pricker, and “plunge” it fully into the witch.  The fact that the woman felt no pain (because she was not actually injured), proved that she was a witch. 

 There were rules about the torturing of witches.  Torture was not to exceed one hour.  The inquisitors, however, could stop short of an hour, and so begin once again.  Three rounds of torture were allowed: one to get a confession, the second for the witch’s motivation, and the third to get names of other witches. 

The methods of torture were horrendous.  Legs were broken, breasts could be cut off, parts of the body could be set on fire, arms and legs could be pulled free from their sockets, and hot needles could be shoved under the witch’s fingernails, thumbs crushed in thumbscrews.  Witches could be submersed in boiling water, pulled up high on ropes and then dropped.  They could be pulled up on ropes by just their thumbs, with weights attached to their feet.  Witches could be raped with sharp objects and pressed with heavy stones.  After these beatings, many times the accused’s tongues were cut out so that she could not cry out during her execution. 







The Burning Times
(Charlie Murphy)

In the cool of the evening, they used to gather,
'Neath the stars in the meadow
Circling that old oak tree.
At the times appointed,
By the seasons of the earth,
And the phases of the moon.
In the center, stood a woman,
Equal with the others and respected for her worth,
One of the many we call the witches,
The healers and the teachers of the wisdom of the earth.
And the people who grew through the knowledge she gave them.
Herbs to heal their bodies,
Spells to make their spirits whole.
Can't you hear them chanting, healing incantations,
Calling forth the wise ones,
Celebrating in dance and song.

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter; Kali, Innana. (X 3)

There were those who came to power, through domination,
And they were bonded in their worship of a dead man on a cross.
They sought control of the common people,
By demanding allegiance to the church of Rome.
And the Pope declared, an inquisition,
It was a war against the women, whose power they feared.
In the holocaust against the nature people,
Nine million European women died.
And the tale is told of those, who by the hundreds,
Holding together chose their death in the sea,
While chanting the praises of the Mother Goddess,
A refusal of betrayal, women were dying to be free.

Now the Earth is a witch, and the men still burn her,
Stripping her down with mining, and the poison of their wars.
Still to us the Earth is a healer, a teacher, a mother,
The weaver of a web of life that keeps us all alive.
She gives us the vision to see through the chaos,
She gives us the courage, it is our will to survive.



During the 'burning times,' between 1450 and 1700, thousands of alleged witches, mostly women, were burned or hanged. To the authorities that made and enforced these laws centuries ago, total elimination of witchcraft was their ultimate goal. If not, to their belief, Satan and the forces of the so-called evil would prevail. These men spread a fire of fear through the people, which made them believe that the witches flew at night, ate babies, and could destroy them with their spells. They said that the worst enemies to mankind were the witches and no man, woman, or child was safe while witches lived.


The burning times occurred during a period of the Inquisition. The Inquisition, according to history, was an institution started by the men of the Roman Catholic Church in the thirteenth century. In the beginning the purpose of the Inquisition was to eliminate heretics; heresy was a crime in most European countries.


The Inquisition, although started by the Roman Catholic Church, was not an act of love. It was a brutal institution whose purpose was to punish people who opposed church teaching. The perpetrators did not set out to look for repentance, forgiveness or justice. Their sole purpose was to obtain confessions and submissions through the use of torture. If any poor soul refused to confess their heresy and convert to Catholicism, they could be executed.


Witchcraft was added to the church’s list of heresies in 1320. But witches did not become a primary target of the Inquisition until after 1484. In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued an edict that set off almost two hundred of fifty years of torture and murder of thousands of people that stood up for their beliefs


The torture and executions had already spread to Germany. The bloodiest sites were Bamberg and Wurzburg. All the victims were denied legal counsel, and the local rulers profited by seizing the property of defendants. It was thought a prisoner who refused to confess, even under torture, was protected by the devil. With this thought court officials and torturers protected themselves from bewitchment by spraying their equipment with holy water, wearing charms and constantly crossing themselves with the Christian sign of the cross.


In 1604 a new twist to the witchcraft laws were introduced by King James I. His new law outlawed pacts with the devil and devil worship, the most prominent features of alleged witchcraft in Europe. During the next few decades this theme of sabbats and pacts with the devil appeared in English witch trials. The witch-hunts in England peaked in the 1640’s. Matthew Hopkins, a notorious witch hunter, and many others in England made very decent livings off the death of witches or accused witches.


There is not one solid answer for the witch-hunts, whether it was for the hate of women to the hate of one’s neighbor. History does show that many organizations and many people tried to control others and used every means known to them to do this.


Written by Margie Parent - © 2002



The Role of The Church

in the Oppression of Women (1998)

Jennifer Drouin


For almost the last two thousand years,

there has been one single institution

which has had a significantly powerful

 realm of control and oppression over the

everyday lives of the majority of individuals,

especially women, in Western Europe and

subsequently North America.

This insidious institution is the Roman Catholic

Church, or, in fact, Christianity in general.

The Church has always been an institution run by men

solely for the benefits of men. Priests have always

been men.  It is logical to assume that there could

potentially have been some abuses of the power

which this system grants to men.

In addition, the exclusion of women from

this sort of "boy’s club"  has provided the

opportunity for the existence of a conspiracy

of silence as to the specific activities which

its members could possibly conduct behind

closed doors, for which man would betray

the confidence of another by speaking out the

sometimes unpleasant truth.

The leaders of The Church did, in fact, often abuse

their unlimited power to which they had access.

This organization is guilty not only of crimes against

humanity, but also of hideous offenses specifically aimed at

 women. These crimes have taken on numerous forms,

such as, crimes of silence as well as physical crimes.

If one specific institution has been oppressing women for

nearly two thousand years, it is time for women to finally

examine this issue with a critical eye and should stand

up for their rights and condemn this unacceptable behavior.

Crimes of The Church

The Effects of the Virgin Myth

In examining the crimes of The Church and how

these acts have oppressed women, it is extremely

important to consider the following fact: since women

make up more than fifty percent of the population of

humanity, any act which directly or indirectly has

an adverse effect on the development of humanity

will play a role in the oppression of women,

for they are half of humanity which would otherwise

be more highly developed without the influence of this act.

It is for this reason that the following evaluation of the

crimes of The Church may not specifically deal with

women in all cases, but rather, occasionally, with

the general population of which women form an equal part.

The worst and most influential crime by The Church,

and one that has caused massive repercussions

specifically for women, is the virgin myth. The virgin

myth is the phenomena created by a translation error.

The "Virgin Mary" was not actually a virgin, but became known

as being so only when the Bible was translated in Greek.

In the original Biblical version in ancient Hebrew,

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a young woman,

not a virgin, as explicitly indicated by the Hebrew

word "almah" which has no connection whatsoever

with the idea of virginity. In Hebrew, the word "bethulah"

could have been used to express the virginity of

Mary; however, this word was never used. The meaning

 "virgin" was never denoted until the Bible was later

translated into Greek.  The mistranslation came about

well after the original transcription of the Bible

and church scholars widely accept this fact.

The Church wanted to continue, rather than condemn,

the oppression of women which has come as a direct

result of this error.

Until the time of the "Virgin Mary" the concept that

being a virgin as an ideal which all women should

hope to always maintain was not nearly as profoundly

exaggerated. It was only after the wondrous tale

of this one specific virgin that the tendency toward

the worship of this ideal was solidified. As a result,

a snowball effect was created in which the pureness

 of the "Virgin Mary" became so increasingly

 respected that a standard for all women to follow

developed, forcing women to always try to

maintain the same level of impeccable pureness

as that of the "Virgin".

Often men, and sometimes other women, fail to accept

that the true nature of women does not exclude sexuality.

This denial of reality can lead to many other problems

for women, such as, but certainly not limited to, being

labeled as sexually promiscuous for nothing more, and

often much less, than having the normal sexual habits

which men are permitted.

In fact, because of the basic need to procreate, it would

be going against almost every atom in a woman’s body

to blindly resist the natural desire for sexual activity, and

as this would be quite difficult for most, it could only lead

to unhappiness. The virgin myth is partly responsible

for these complications to the natural order of humans,

and by setting standards so high than few women can

resist the natural urge to not follow these ideals, and

this myth has caused women to be oppressed both

sexually and emotionally.

Until just recently, in the history of women, the life

of a woman was always centered around marriage in

that, until puberty the education of a girl was mostly a

 development of those skills necessary for running a

household and once puberty was reached, the girl was

expected to be married. There was very little choice in

the matter on the part of the girl, and even if she had had the

choice, she would have probably in most cases chosen marriage

 anyway because she was raised to believe that this was a

logical, necessary step in her life.

The classifications of Mother, Virgin, Slut are therefore

divided as follows.

Virgin or Slut are two binary opposite categories in which

girls are placed before marriage, and once she has

reached the age at which she can marry, she quickly

 becomes a Mother. Once she has become a wife

and mother the status of Virgin or Slut is no longer

discussed by society with such criticism for the

village gossips wouldn’t want to destroy the stability of

a family in which the husband may not be aware of any

possible promiscuity by his wife.

With this classification neatly and tidily wrapped up by

society, the only problem left to deal with was that of how to

classify those women who did not fit into these categories,

that is the Witches.

As for these so-called witches, The Church found a simple,

efficient, and absolutely brutal way to resolve its

problem of women who refused to conform to traditional

stereotypical ways of life, such as staying single as an "old hag".

The Church killed them.

The number of people (80% women) estimated to have been

burned at the stake or tortured to death for supposedly being

witches is over 235 000, and this does not include the millions

also killed for being heretics. All of these deaths were executed

in the name of The Church and deemed necessary for its survival.

Evidently, it was the innocent women, not The Church, who were

in danger of extinction.

Silence, Propaganda, and Flawed Logic

The Church is also responsible for many other wrongs caused by

silence, propaganda, and a failure to correct flawed logic.

For example, one case of failure to correct flawed logic

is that of the myth of "Eve’s Original Sin". Church leaders

insist that the pain women endure from menstruation and

pregnancy is a punishment from God. This lie is easily

disproved by science and logic, yet Church leaders

continue to tell the story and insinuate that all women are

 guilty of the mistake of one fictional woman.

First of all, there is much scientific evidence which

disproves the misconception that Eve was the first

woman on Earth. For example, Louis Leakey’s 1948

discovery of Lucy, a 20 million year old female

hominid, greatly predates the time of Eve as suggested in the Bible.

Another example of the Church’s faulty logic and promotion

of an unfounded truism is the ceremony of baptism

of infants. In this ritual, the priest excuses infants from their

"sins". Since infants at this time are often too young to

even speak or feed themselves, it is extremely illogical

to accuse them of sins for they are capable of nothing

more than lying helplessly, dependent on others.

Physical, Financial, and Sexual Abuse

In addition to the crimes of silence, propaganda and

faulty logic, The Church is responsible for many

other physical, financial and sexual crimes against

both women and humanity as a whole.

As was already briefly mentioned, the biggest physical

crime by The Church was the Inquisition and the witch hunts.

 Church leaders organized a secret police to hunt down and to

torture anyone who appeared to even slightly

disagree with Church dogma. Church leaders created

a reign of fear and terror which hindered the

development of humanity, not only by the millions of

deaths, but also by the uncertainty which citizens

living during this time would have felt.

When St. Peter’s cathedral was being built in Rome,

the present Pope wanted to raise money to pay

for the cost of construction. He exploited the people’s

fear of death by selling insurance to eliminate past sins

guaranteeing that anyone who bought an indulgence

would go to heaven upon death. After producing

huge revenues and profits with this scheme, he created

five other indulgences in which he sold, for example,

insurance for relatives, future sins, and dead relatives

already in hell. This plan became an easy means to exploit

people’s fear of death in order to personally benefit financially.

Another physical exploitation of humanity by

Church leaders was, and in some countries still is,

the practice of “holy wars” in which many

have lost their lives fighting simply because

their religious leaders told them to do so.

In the Middle Ages alone, there were four Crusades

to "defend" the "Holy Land" (i.e. exploit and rob

others, as well as rape the women that they met

along the way ) and two Children’s Crusades. In all of

these crusades many thousands of innocent people

were blindly sent to their deaths believing that they were

protecting their faith. The church leaders were not

ashamed to send many people to their certain deaths just

so that the church could feel reassured in their conceit that

they were superior to the Muslims.

In the ninth century, the church actually encouraged the

rape and abuse of women. Noblemen had a "natural right"

to rape peasant women and to deflower the brides of their

vassals. Sex without values (rape, prostitution, sadism)

was not a serious crime; however, according to church

leaders, sex with love was a sin. The church encouraged this

attitude and thus condoned the practice of raping and

abusing women.

In modern times, the the church leaders whom society

is supposed to trust have continued to betray those

who are helpless to defend themselves. For the first time

in history, sexual abuse by priests is being made public

and the perpetrators are finally being held accountable

for their heinous crimes. For example, sexual abuse of

young boys by priests in Newfoundland at the

Mount Cashel orphanage has recently come to the

attention of the public and compensation is finally

being awarded to the men who suffered as young,

defenseless boys. While the blame must be rightly

placed on the individual priests who committed these

acts, society must not forget that it is the church in

general which is also greatly responsible. The church

forbids that priests marry or have sex

(so they won’t be corrupted by "awful" women) which

is an unnatural condition to place on any human.

As a result of unnatural conditions, these priests

logically commit unnatural acts such as forced sex

with young boys. Besides hindering the development

of many potentially positive contributors to society,

the acts of these priests also have large impact on the

lives of many women. Of all the boys abused by

the priests, 80-90% grow up to abuse others that they

meet in the course of their lives, and most of their

victims are women. If the priests had not abused

the boys, these same boys would not be likely to

abuse women and a certain percentage of women v

ictims of violence would have been spared the aggressive

 treatment that they suffered.

Today, it is the religious fundamentalist groups

that fight most vehemently against the improvement

of women’s rights. These groups defeated the American

Equal Rights Amendment of the 1980’s


It should be obvious that The Church has committed

serious crimes and has severely limited the development of

humanity over the past two thousand years, especially the

development and equality of women.

These crimes have taken on several forms, from the

promotion of religious catechism with no scientific

basis to the real rape and destruction of the lives

of innumerable young boys. The support of dogma

that church leaders know to be false, such as the virgin

myth, has been directly responsible for the

subjugation of women and their unequal status in

society. Church leaders have done nothing to correct the

falsehoods written in this "holy" text. The Bible.

Why has this patriarchal, oppressive institution

survived for so long and successfully continued

its immoral activities without opposition? The answer

to this puzzle is simple: for the same reason that

the church successfully profited from its subjects by

selling indulgences.

The Church is based on the exploitation of people’s

rational fear of the unknown, their fear of "the

undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler

returns". The Church abuses the natural, human fear

of death in order to maintain its reign of power over

the general population.

Women have never revolted and risen up united

against this oppressor because they are also afraid

of death and "hell". "The fear of God will therefore

repress any impulse towards revolt in the

downtrodden female."

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Fight The Fear

 Ratzinger, Roman Catholic pope served in the Hitler Youth during World War Two when membership was compulsory, according to his autobiography.  In his autobiography "Milestone: Memoirs: 1927-1977", Ratzinger said he and his brother Georg were both enrolled in the Hitler Youth when membership was obligatory.
 Founded in 1922 and based in Bavaria, the Hitler Youth was a paramilitary organisation of the Nazi Party. It was disbanded in 1923 but re-established in 1926, a year after the Nazi Party was recognised.
 Members of the Hitler Youth wore uniforms resembling those of the Nazi Party.
 "As a seminarian, he was briefly enrolled in the Hitler Youth in the early 1940s, though he was never a member of the Nazi party," Allen, a Vatican specialist, wrote in an article published in National Catholic Reporter in 1999.
 "In 1943 he was conscripted into an anti-aircraft unit guarding a BMW plant outside Munich," wrote Allen.
 Allen said Ratzinger was later sent to Austria's border with Hungary to erect tank traps. "After being shipped back to Bavaria, he deserted. When the war ended, he was an American prisoner of war," he said. 
 Peter Seewald, a German journalist who published a book-length interview with Ratzinger in 1996 entitled "Salt of the Earth", said the German "clearly saw Hitler and the Third Reich as the enemy" to both family and Church. (Talitha wonders, "What about the Jews, the gypsies, the elderly, the disabled?)
 Ratzinger's father "saw that a victory of Hitler would not be a victory for Germany but a victory of the Antichrist."
 "In 1943 while still in seminary, he was drafted at age 16 into the German anti-aircraft corps," Ignatius said. "Though he was opposed to the Nazis, he was forced to join at a young age."
 "As the Allied front drew closer to his post in 1945, he escaped from the Nazis and returned to his family's home in Traunstein, just as American troops established their headquarters in the Ratzinger household," Ignatius said.
 It said he was put in a U.S. prisoner of war camp but released a few months later at the end of the war in 1945.


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 The Bible contains many passages exhibiting intolerance towards any other religion, and almost no passages which actively promote inter-religious tolerance. Wicca is certainly a religion that is very different from Judaism and Christianity. Wicca, as well as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Native Spirituality, Taoism, and hundreds of other religions are thus equally condemned by many verses in the Bible.

 Many Wiccans engage in specific practices to foretell the future. These include scrying, tarot cards, I Ching, runes, etc. Although these practices are not mentioned in the Bible, they are similar to other divination techniques which are condemned in various biblical passages. However, not all Wiccans engage in divination. And the vast majority of persons who use divination are not Wiccans.

          Who exactly is a Witch?

Does  the Bible specifically condemns Wicca?  We have not been able to find any translation of either the Hebrew or Christian Scriptures which contains the words Wicca or Wiccan. However, many translations of the Bible, such as the King James Version and the New International Version, condemn what they call "Witches" and "Witchcraft". This causes serious misunderstandings.

 The religion of Wicca is one of at least 18 different practices associated with the term "witchcraft." Most of are unrelated to each other. Of these 18 practices, six main forms of "witchcraft" exist today.

 The most popular usages of "Witch" refer to:

 A woman of such incredible beauty that she bewitches men.

 An old woman, often portrayed with an evil appearance; sometimes called a "hag."

 A follower of Religious Satanism who either worships Satan or recognizes Satan as a virile pre-Christian, pagan concept. They may perform evil sorcery, but only against their enemies.

 A person devoted to performing evil sorcery: using rituals, spoken curses, etc to injure or kill others. (Wiccans;  followers of a modern religion that was reconstructed partly from an ancient religion of the Celts are prohibited from harming others.)

            Exodus 22:18

 Various Biblical translations render this verse as:

 American Standard Version "Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live." (The Answer: Put to death any woman who does evil magic.)

 Good News Version: Put to death any woman who practices magic.

 King James Version: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

 Living Bible: A sorceress shall be put to death.

 New Century Version: Put to death any woman who does evil magic.

 New Revised Standard Version: You shall not permit a female sorcerer to live

 The Promise: Contemporary English Version: Death is the punishment for witchcraft.

 In the original Hebrew manuscript, the author used the word m'khashepah to describe the person who should be killed. The word means a woman who uses spoken spells to harm others - e.g. causing their death or loss of property. Clearly "evil sorceress" or "woman who does evil magic" would be the most accurate phrases in today's English usage for this verse.

 The King James Version and Revised English Bible use the term "witch." In North America, the term normally refers to Wiccans -- the followers of the Wiccan religion. So Exodus 22:18 can hardly be referring to Wiccans.

                          Deuteronomy 18:10-11

The word Witchcraft in the New International Version's translation of Deuteronomy 18:10-11 is a significant problem for Wiccans. Many Christians naturally assume that it refers to followers of the Wiccan faith, since they are the only sizable group who identifies themselves as Witches. This verse is often quoted near Halloween; it has sometimes been used as the text of sermons that have triggered hatred, verbal attacks and even physical attacks on Wiccans.

The first part of Verse 10 apparently prohibits the ancient Israelites from engaging in child sacrifice. The Pagan tribes around Israel allegedly murdered children by casting them into a fire. Various translations render the remainder of Verse 10 and Verse 11 as:

 Amplified Bible: There shall not be found among you anyone who... uses divination or is a soothsayer or an augur or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium or a wizard or a necromancer.

 The Answer: Don't let anyone use magic or witchcraft, or try to explain the meaning of signs. | Don't let anyone try to control others with magic, and don't let them be mediums or try to talk with the spirits of dead people."

 Good News Version: ...and don't let your people practice divination or look for omens or use spells | or charms and don't let them consult the spirits of the dead.

 Jerusalem Bible: There must never be anyone among you who ... practices divination, who is a soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, | who uses charms, consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.

 King James Version: There shall not be found among you anyone ....that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

 New American Bible: Let there be not be found among you anyone [who is]...a fortune-teller, soothsayer, charmer, diviner, | or caster of spells, no one who consults ghosts and spirits or seeks oracles from the dead. 

 New Century Version: Don't let anyone use magic or witchcraft. No one should try to explain the meaning of signs, | don't let anyone try to control others with magic. Don't let them be mediums or try to talk with the spirits of dead people.

 New Living Translation: Do not let your people practice fortune-telling or sorcery, or allow them to interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, | or cast spells or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead.

 The Promise: Contemporary English Version: ..don't try to use any kind of magic or witchcraft to tell fortunes, or to cast spells or to talk with spirits of the dead.

 The original wording of these verses condemned individuals who followed practices defined by these 8 Hebrew words:

  1. yid'oni: knowers; wizards; persons who make contact with spirits who are not of God. (Some Wiccans have engaged in spiritism and have attempted to contact the dead. However, this is not necessarily an integral part of the Wiccan religion).
  2. sho'el 'ov: making forbidden contact with the dead. (Ditto) .
  3. qosem q'samim: predicting the future by using lots or a similar system. (Many Wiccans as well as Christians sometimes use tarot cards, runes, scrying etc. to foretell the future, but this is not an integral part of the Wiccan religion) .
  4. m'onen: predicting the future by interpreting signs in nature. (Ditto) .
  5. m'nachesh an enchanter (perhaps a snake charmer, because "nachash" means snake. We have never heard of Wiccan snake charmers) .
  6. chover chavar: use of knot-tying to perform magic. (Wiccans sometimes engage in knot-tying, but only for positive healing magic. Again, it is a practice that some engage in, but is not an integral part of their religion).
  7. m'khaseph: an evil sorcerer (as in Exodus 22:18); a person using spoken spells to harm others. (Wiccans do not engage in this activity; they are specifically prohibited from doing so by their Wiccan Rede).
  8. doresh 'el hametim: a person who makes contact with the dead - probably by another method than sho'el 'ov. These verses would seem to prohibit a number of modern day activities:

 Wiccans are prohibited from harming, dominating, manipulating or controlling people by any means. Some wiccan do use various methods of foretelling the future, as do members of other religions. Some engage in spiritism, so do followers of other faiths. The latter two practices are not necessarily an integral part of their religion.

 In our opinion, none of the eight Hebrew words should be translated as Witch or Witchcraft. None of the eight words refers to the religion of Wicca. Precise terms that accurately describe the activity should be used. We suggest:

  1. yid'oni: acting as a medium;
  2. sho'el 'ov: communicating with the dead;
  3. qosem q'samim: predicting the future using lots;
  4. m'onen: predicting the future by interpreting signs in nature;
  5. m'nachesh snake charming;
  6. chover chavar: using knot-tying to perform magic;
  7. m'khaseph: evil sorcery;
  8. doresh 'el hametim: channeling.
                     About Revelation 21:8

 This chapter deals with life after death. Some people will attain Heaven; others are sent to Hell, which is here described as the lake which burns with fire and brimstone (sulfur). In his commentary on this verse, Matthew Henry refers to the horrors of Hell as involving the: "...far greater terrors and agonies of eternal death..." Its victims will: "...die and [continue] to be always dying." 1

 Verse 8 describes various groups who will automatically be relegated to Hell. In a typical biblical display of religious intolerance, the verse defines one group of victims as consisting of "unbelievers" -- apparently those who follow a non-Christian religion, or no religion at all. This would involved more than two thirds of the human race.

 There is no consistency in the translations of this verse, as they appear in various English versions of the Bible. The sixth group which is destined for Hell has been identified as: 

 -  21st century King James Version: "sorcerers"         

- An American Translation: those who "practice witchcraft"      

 -  The Answer (New Century Version): those "who do evil magic"

- Amplified Bible: "practicers of magic arts"

- Good News Version: "those who practice magic"

- Living Bible: "those conversing with demons"

- New Living Translation: "those who practice witchcraft"

- New World Translation: "those practicing spiritism"

- The Promise: (Contemporary English Version): "uses witchcraft"

- Today's English Version "those who practice magic"

- Today's New International Version: "those who practice magic art

- World English Bible: "sorcerers" The translation has a footnote: "The word for 'sorcerers' here also includes users of potions and drugs."


In the 31 translations studied, the original Greek has been translated as:



Sorcerers are those practicing evil magic and is used 19 times. These are people who engage in black magic to harm or murder others.



Practicing magic: is mentioned 6 times. This would presumably include people who either try to hurt or heal others through spells, incantations, etc. It is unclear whether this would cover Christian clergy who conduct healing services.



The word Witch:is found  3 times. This presumably includes people performing at least one of the 18 different practices that have been referred to as "witchcraft." It is not clear to which of the 18 practices the passage refers.



Fortune tellers: is used once. Presumably this would include tea-leaf readers, palm readers, preparers of horoscopes, people who predict the weather based on the actions of a groundhog, or the diameter of caterpillars, etc.


Those who contact demons: is found once.



 It seems that these verses have traditionally been translated incompetently. It appears that the translators have simply selected their favorite evil, and inserted it into the text. This is seen throughout many translations of the Bible, particularly with passages that refer either to homosexuality, poisoning, or evil sorcery.

Article from Religious Tolerance.org

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Why a purple ribbon?  Fight the Fear explains below (from their website) 

Fight the Fear!

The Purple Ribbon Campaign was created in 1997 by Fellowship of the Earth to show solidarity of kindred spirits. "Fight the Fear" is the slogan chosen to represent the Purple Ribbons. Like many ribbon campaigns, this is a way for us to outwardly show our support for religious tolerance and the freedom to believe in our own paths. Pagans and those of Goddess or Nature centered spirituality are misunderstood by most people with mainstream religious backgrounds.

We believe that it is fear that fuels the fires of misunderstanding and intolerance. In order to ease the fear people have of others beliefs, we have adapted this ribbon campaign as our way of promoting respect and tolerance of all belief and non-belief systems. We all are on different paths with the same goal. None is more sacred than another. Everyone has their own personal connection to their spirituality, but regardless of what or who we call Goddess or God everyone should be able to worship in their own way without persecution.

The color purple for this particular campaign was chosen because of it's highly spiritual symbolism. Many cultures and religions signify the color purple with a higher spiritual calling. It's the favorite color of many Pagans I know, and it's a color most everyone seems drawn to. It's warm yet cool, a balance of the color energies.


The Role of The Church

in the Oppression of Women (1998)

Jennifer Drouin


For almost the last two thousand years,

there has been one single institution

which has had a significantly powerful

 realm of control and oppression over the

everyday lives of the majority of individuals,

especially women, in Western Europe and

subsequently North America.

This insidious institution is the Roman Catholic

Church, or, in fact, Christianity in general.

The Church has always been an institution run by men

solely for the benefits of men. Priests have always

been men.  It is logical to assume that there could

potentially have been some abuses of the power

which this system grants to men.

In addition, the exclusion of women from

this sort of "boy’s club"  has provided the

opportunity for the existence of a conspiracy

of silence as to the specific activities which

its members could possibly conduct behind

closed doors, for which man would betray

the confidence of another by speaking out the

sometimes unpleasant truth.

The leaders of The Church did, in fact, often abuse

their unlimited power to which they had access.

This organization is guilty not only of crimes against

humanity, but also of hideous offenses specifically aimed at

 women. These crimes have taken on numerous forms,

such as, crimes of silence as well as physical crimes.

If one specific institution has been oppressing women for

nearly two thousand years, it is time for women to finally

examine this issue with a critical eye and should stand

up for their rights and condemn this unacceptable behavior.

Crimes of The Church

The Effects of the Virgin Myth

In examining the crimes of The Church and how

these acts have oppressed women, it is extremely

important to consider the following fact: since women

make up more than fifty percent of the population of

humanity, any act which directly or indirectly has

an adverse effect on the development of humanity

will play a role in the oppression of women,

for they are half of humanity which would otherwise

be more highly developed without the influence of this act.

It is for this reason that the following evaluation of the

crimes of The Church may not specifically deal with

women in all cases, but rather, occasionally, with

the general population of which women form an equal part.

The worst and most influential crime by The Church,

and one that has caused massive repercussions

specifically for women, is the virgin myth. The virgin

myth is the phenomena created by a translation error.

The "Virgin Mary" was not actually a virgin, but became known

as being so only when the Bible was translated in Greek.

In the original Biblical version in ancient Hebrew,

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a young woman,

not a virgin, as explicitly indicated by the Hebrew

word "almah" which has no connection whatsoever

with the idea of virginity. In Hebrew, the word "bethulah"

could have been used to express the virginity of

Mary; however, this word was never used. The meaning

 "virgin" was never denoted until the Bible was later

translated into Greek.  The mistranslation came about

well after the original transcription of the Bible

and church scholars widely accept this fact.

The Church wanted to continue, rather than condemn,

the oppression of women which has come as a direct

result of this error.

Until the time of the "Virgin Mary" the concept that

being a virgin as an ideal which all women should

hope to always maintain was not nearly as profoundly

exaggerated. It was only after the wondrous tale

of this one specific virgin that the tendency toward

the worship of this ideal was solidified. As a result,

a snowball effect was created in which the pureness

 of the "Virgin Mary" became so increasingly

 respected that a standard for all women to follow

developed, forcing women to always try to

maintain the same level of impeccable pureness

as that of the "Virgin".

Often men, and sometimes other women, fail to accept

that the true nature of women does not exclude sexuality.

This denial of reality can lead to many other problems

for women, such as, but certainly not limited to, being

labeled as sexually promiscuous for nothing more, and

often much less, than having the normal sexual habits

which men are permitted.

In fact, because of the basic need to procreate, it would

be going against almost every atom in a woman’s body

to blindly resist the natural desire for sexual activity, and

as this would be quite difficult for most, it could only lead

to unhappiness. The virgin myth is partly responsible

for these complications to the natural order of humans,

and by setting standards so high than few women can

resist the natural urge to not follow these ideals, and

this myth has caused women to be oppressed both

sexually and emotionally.

Until just recently, in the history of women, the life

of a woman was always centered around marriage in

that, until puberty the education of a girl was mostly a

 development of those skills necessary for running a

household and once puberty was reached, the girl was

expected to be married. There was very little choice in

the matter on the part of the girl, and even if she had had the

choice, she would have probably in most cases chosen marriage

 anyway because she was raised to believe that this was a

logical, necessary step in her life.

The classifications of Mother, Virgin, Slut are therefore

divided as follows.

Virgin or Slut are two binary opposite categories in which

girls are placed before marriage, and once she has

reached the age at which she can marry, she quickly

 becomes a Mother. Once she has become a wife

and mother the status of Virgin or Slut is no longer

discussed by society with such criticism for the

village gossips wouldn’t want to destroy the stability of

a family in which the husband may not be aware of any

possible promiscuity by his wife.

With this classification neatly and tidily wrapped up by

society, the only problem left to deal with was that of how to

classify those women who did not fit into these categories,

that is the Witches.

As for these so-called witches, The Church found a simple,

efficient, and absolutely brutal way to resolve its

problem of women who refused to conform to traditional

stereotypical ways of life, such as staying single as an "old hag".

The Church killed them.

The number of people (80% women) estimated to have been

burned at the stake or tortured to death for supposedly being

witches is over 235 000, and this does not include the millions

also killed for being heretics. All of these deaths were executed

in the name of The Church and deemed necessary for its survival.

Evidently, it was the innocent women, not The Church, who were

in danger of extinction.

Silence, Propaganda, and Flawed Logic

The Church is also responsible for many other wrongs caused by

silence, propaganda, and a failure to correct flawed logic.

For example, one case of failure to correct flawed logic

is that of the myth of "Eve’s Original Sin". Church leaders

insist that the pain women endure from menstruation and

pregnancy is a punishment from God. This lie is easily

disproved by science and logic, yet Church leaders

continue to tell the story and insinuate that all women are

 guilty of the mistake of one fictional woman.

First of all, there is much scientific evidence which

disproves the misconception that Eve was the first

woman on Earth. For example, Louis Leakey’s 1948

discovery of Lucy, a 20 million year old female

hominid, greatly predates the time of Eve as suggested in the Bible.

Another example of the Church’s faulty logic and promotion

of an unfounded truism is the ceremony of baptism

of infants. In this ritual, the priest excuses infants from their

"sins". Since infants at this time are often too young to

even speak or feed themselves, it is extremely illogical

to accuse them of sins for they are capable of nothing

more than lying helplessly, dependent on others.

Physical, Financial, and Sexual Abuse

In addition to the crimes of silence, propaganda and

faulty logic, The Church is responsible for many

other physical, financial and sexual crimes against

both women and humanity as a whole.

As was already briefly mentioned, the biggest physical

crime by The Church was the Inquisition and the witch hunts.

 Church leaders organized a secret police to hunt down and to

torture anyone who appeared to even slightly

disagree with Church dogma. Church leaders created

a reign of fear and terror which hindered the

development of humanity, not only by the millions of

deaths, but also by the uncertainty which citizens

living during this time would have felt.

When St. Peter’s cathedral was being built in Rome,

the present Pope wanted to raise money to pay

for the cost of construction. He exploited the people’s

fear of death by selling insurance to eliminate past sins

guaranteeing that anyone who bought an indulgence

would go to heaven upon death. After producing

huge revenues and profits with this scheme, he created

five other indulgences in which he sold, for example,

insurance for relatives, future sins, and dead relatives

already in hell. This plan became an easy means to exploit

people’s fear of death in order to personally benefit financially.

Another physical exploitation of humanity by

Church leaders was, and in some countries still is,

the practice of “holy wars” in which many

have lost their lives fighting simply because

their religious leaders told them to do so.

In the Middle Ages alone, there were four Crusades

to "defend" the "Holy Land" (i.e. exploit and rob

others, as well as rape the women that they met

along the way ) and two Children’s Crusades. In all of

these crusades many thousands of innocent people

were blindly sent to their deaths believing that they were

protecting their faith. The church leaders were not

ashamed to send many people to their certain deaths just

so that the church could feel reassured in their conceit that

they were superior to the Muslims.

In the ninth century, the church actually encouraged the

rape and abuse of women. Noblemen had a "natural right"

to rape peasant women and to deflower the brides of their

vassals. Sex without values (rape, prostitution, sadism)

was not a serious crime; however, according to church

leaders, sex with love was a sin. The church encouraged this

attitude and thus condoned the practice of raping and

abusing women.

In modern times, the the church leaders whom society

is supposed to trust have continued to betray those

who are helpless to defend themselves. For the first time

in history, sexual abuse by priests is being made public

and the perpetrators are finally being held accountable

for their heinous crimes. For example, sexual abuse of

young boys by priests in Newfoundland at the

Mount Cashel orphanage has recently come to the

attention of the public and compensation is finally

being awarded to the men who suffered as young,

defenseless boys. While the blame must be rightly

placed on the individual priests who committed these

acts, society must not forget that it is the church in

general which is also greatly responsible. The church

forbids that priests marry or have sex

(so they won’t be corrupted by "awful" women) which

is an unnatural condition to place on any human.

As a result of unnatural conditions, these priests

logically commit unnatural acts such as forced sex

with young boys. Besides hindering the development

of many potentially positive contributors to society,

the acts of these priests also have large impact on the

lives of many women. Of all the boys abused by

the priests, 80-90% grow up to abuse others that they

meet in the course of their lives, and most of their

victims are women. If the priests had not abused

the boys, these same boys would not be likely to

abuse women and a certain percentage of women v

ictims of violence would have been spared the aggressive

 treatment that they suffered.

Today, it is the religious fundamentalist groups

that fight most vehemently against the improvement

of women’s rights. These groups defeated the American

Equal Rights Amendment of the 1980’s


It should be obvious that The Church has committed

serious crimes and has severely limited the development of

humanity over the past two thousand years, especially the

development and equality of women.

These crimes have taken on several forms, from the

promotion of religious catechism with no scientific

basis to the real rape and destruction of the lives

of innumerable young boys. The support of dogma

that church leaders know to be false, such as the virgin

myth, has been directly responsible for the

subjugation of women and their unequal status in

society. Church leaders have done nothing to correct the

falsehoods written in this "holy" text. The Bible.

Why has this patriarchal, oppressive institution

survived for so long and successfully continued

its immoral activities without opposition? The answer

to this puzzle is simple: for the same reason that

the church successfully profited from its subjects by

selling indulgences.

The Church is based on the exploitation of people’s

rational fear of the unknown, their fear of "the

undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler

returns". The Church abuses the natural, human fear

of death in order to maintain its reign of power over

the general population.

Women have never revolted and risen up united

against this oppressor because they are also afraid

of death and "hell". "The fear of God will therefore

repress any impulse towards revolt in the

downtrodden female."
